More chess adventures

Emboldened by my recent victories against the internet tyros, I decided to challenge my old rival the dangerous and devious Michael Chen, former president of the Citrus College Chess Club. He usually tends to kick my arse, but this time it took only 15 moves to get the job done. In my defense, he was aided by a bizarre move I made on move 6. A classic case of not surveying the whole board leaving the Knight "en prise" was I just exhausted??

Chen (W) Carmona (B) 0-1     1/16/2020

1. e4 b5
2. Bxb5 Nc6
3. Bxc6 d7xB (this left me with early double pawns!)
4. d4 Nf6
5.Nc3 g6
6.e5 Ne4 (moving the knight thusly was a mirage where I thought I had a recapture, I must have been tired)
7. Nxe4 Bc8f5
8.Nc5 Bg7
9.Nf3 0-0
10. 0-0 e6
11.Ng5 Qd5
12.b3 Bg4
13.c4 BxNf3
154. gxf3 At this point Black resigns because W is up in material and has too powerful of an attack


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